Global Gang Bangers [G-G-B]

CEOeldiablowTax rate0.11999999731779%

Alliance history

Global Gang BangersTwo Inch Terror2020-09-24 15:452022-07-10 11:031 year, 9 months, 15 days, 19 hours and 18 minutes
Global Gang BangersThe Covenant of The Morning Star.2018-04-24 02:102020-09-24 15:452 years, 5 months, 13 hours and 35 minutes
Global Gang BangersDRONE WALKERS2016-04-26 16:312018-04-24 02:101 year, 11 months, 28 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes
Global Gang BangersNorthern Army2016-01-01 05:412016-04-26 16:313 months, 25 days, 10 hours and 50 minutes
Global Gang BangersTwo Inch Terror2013-10-06 22:142016-01-01 05:412 years, 2 months, 25 days, 7 hours and 27 minutes
Global Gang BangersTwo Inch Terror2010-01-05 01:282013-10-06 22:143 years, 9 months, 1 day, 20 hours and 46 minutes
Global Gang BangersLucifer's Army2009-12-20 23:472010-01-05 01:2815 days, 1 hour and 41 minutes
Global Gang BangersMaru Ka'ge2009-11-10 17:342009-12-20 23:471 month, 10 days, 6 hours and 13 minutes
Global Gang BangersTwo Inch Terror2009-06-25 04:172009-11-10 17:344 months, 16 days, 13 hours and 17 minutes
Global Gang BangersDies Irae.2009-03-01 03:402009-06-25 04:173 months, 24 days and 37 minutes
Global Gang BangersCruor-Salax Legion2009-02-20 07:312009-03-01 03:408 days, 20 hours and 9 minutes
Global Gang BangersMalcula Templum2009-01-21 23:132009-02-20 07:3129 days, 8 hours and 18 minutes
recruitment by invite only or **VOUCH**



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